



Education regarding shoe wear

- extra wide / large toe box



- longitudinal arch support

- pre MT dome for metatarsalgia

- podiatry to attend to callosities


Toe spacers








1.  Continued pain and discomfort

2.  Difficulties with shoe wear

Subtalar and Triple Arthodesis



Able to achieve relatively high level of function after STJ fusion

- previously believed that isolated STJ fusion should not be performed

- believed that triple arthrodesis was operation of choice for hindfoot

- STJ fusion has superior result with less stress on AJ


Average loss of DF 30% / PF 10%


Position of hindfoot determines flexibility of transverse tarsal (CCJ & TNJ) joints

- imperative that fusion be positioned in ~ 5o valgus 

Rheumatoid Thumb

Nalebuff Classification


Type I - Boutonniere 

- commonest

- MP flexion /  IP hyperextension

- usually EPB rupture with EPL subluxation


Rheumatoid Boutonniere Thumb


Type II

- Boutonniere & Swan Neck

- doesn't exist according to Nalebuff


Rheumatoid Fingers

ConditionsBoutonniere Fingers


1.  PIPJ Synovitis

- synovectomy via dorsomedial approach

2.  Flexor tenosynovitis

- may cause trigger finger

- trial HCLA

- remove synovits but don't release A1 pulley

- will worsen ulna drift

3.  DIPJ

- rarely affects




Indications have narrowed

- due to success of shoulder arthroplasty


1. Chronic infections of GHJ

2. Stabilization in paralytic disorders

3. Post-traumatic brachial plexus palsy

4. Salvage of failed GHJ Arthroplasty

- may need bone graft procedures

5. Arthritic diseases unsuitable for arthroplasty / young patient