Atlanto-axial instability
Ulna drift & volar dislocation
Ulna Drift / Ulna Dislocation
1. Physiological
Extremely common
- 90% by 10 years have wrist problems
Landsmeer 1961
- treat wrist at same time as treat fingers or will recur
Frequently combine procedures
- synovectomy
- tendon transfer
- ulna procedure
Rotator cuff
- often deficient
Bone stock
- often deficient
- often posterior version
1. TSR
- cuff intact
1987 American College of Rheumatology
Need 4/7 (MAX RANS)
1. Morning Stiffness
2. Arthritis of 3 areas > 6/52
3. Xray changes
4. Rh factor
5. Arthritis of Hand > 6/52
6. Nodules
7. Symmetric Arthritis > 6/52