



Young men





- axial load, dorsiflexion and radial deviation


DISI occurs in ulna deviation


Herbert Classification


Type A    Stable acute fracture


A1 Tubercle

Non union

Scaphoid Non union xrayScaphoid Nonunion Xray 2




Convincing association with development of osteoarthritis

- arthritic changes beginning at radial styloid

- progress to scaphocapitate & capitolunate 


Rheumatoid Thumb

Nalebuff Classification


Type I - Boutonniere 

- commonest

- MP flexion /  IP hyperextension

- usually EPB rupture with EPL subluxation


Rheumatoid Boutonniere Thumb


Type II

- Boutonniere & Swan Neck

- doesn't exist according to Nalebuff


Rheumatoid Fingers

ConditionsBoutonniere Fingers


1.  PIPJ Synovitis

- synovectomy via dorsomedial approach

2.  Flexor tenosynovitis

- may cause trigger finger

- trial HCLA

- remove synovits but don't release A1 pulley

- will worsen ulna drift

3.  DIPJ

- rarely affects

SLAC Wrist


SLAC Wrist


Scapho-lunate advanced collapse

- caused by malalignment of scaphoid on radius

- due to scapholunate disruption


Most common cause of wrist OA




1.  Radio-scaphoid degenerative changes

- from abnormal flexion of scaphoid

Massive Tears

DefinitionsMassive RC Tear High Riding Humeral Head MRI


Massive tear 


1.  > 5cm 

- retracted to humerus / glenoid margin


2.  At least 2 complete tendons

- lose SS / IS or SS / SC




Anterior Instability



Traumatic initial cause in 95%


M:F 2:1


Age of initial dislocation inversely related to recurrence rate

- patients younger than 20 have a redislocation rate of 90%

- between 20 - 40 years, redislocation rate of 60%

- patients > 40 years have a 10% rate of dislocation but a higher rate of cuff tears (up to 40% in patients > 60yrs)


Anatomy & Stability


1. Passive Stabilisers