

Minimize symptomatic DVT / PE while limiting postoperative bleeding




Mechanical compression - graduated stockings, pneumatic compression, foot pumps


Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH)

Oral factor Xa inhibitors - Rivaroxaban, Apixaban

Warfarin - usually used for treatment


Contraindications to chemoprophylaxis


Active bleeding

High risk bleeding

- hemophilia

- thrombocytopenia - platelets < 50

- history GI bleeding

Severe hepatic disease (INR < 1.3)

Renal impairment

- must adjust LMWH and oral factor Xa inhibitor doses

History of HITT (heparin induced thrombocytopenia)

Recent neurosurgery or eye surgery


Spinal anesthesia


Queensland Health Guidelines for Prevention of DVT



- prophylaxis 12 hours after insertion

- typically withhold for 4 - 6 hours after removal


Oral Factor Xa inhibitors

- 24 hours minimum after insertion

- 6 hours after withdrawal




Queensland Health Guidelines for Prevention of DVT




Hemostasis obtained


Heparin / LMWH - 12 hours post op


Oral factor Xa inhibitors

- Rivaroxaban 6 - 10 hours post op

- Dabigatran 4 hours postop

- Apixaban 12 - 24 hours post op




TKA - 10 - 14 days

THA - 4 - 5 weeks


Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH)


Definition Types Mechanism Advantage Disadvantage

Fractionated heparin

Molecular weight < 5000

Enoxeparin / Clexane

- 0.5 mg/kg od

- 40 mg od


Dalteparin / Fragmin

- 5000IU od

Antifactor Xa

Longer half life than heparin

Decreased bleeding due to reduced platelet effect

No monitoring required

Antidote: Protamine sulfate

Given by injection

Reduce dose with low GFR

Increase dose BMI > 40

Difficult to reverse



Direct oral Factor Xa inhibitors


Definition Types Mechanism Advantage Disadvantage
Act directly on Factor X

Rivaroxaban 10 mg od


Apixaban 2.5 mg bid


Dabigatran 220 mg od

Factor Xa inhibitor

Oral dosing

No monitoring required

Interact with statins




Definition Types Mechanism Advantage Disadvantage

Acetylsalicyclic acid

Aspirin 80 - 300mg

COX inhibitor

Oral form

No monitoring required

GI bleeding / stomach upset




- irreversibly inhibits cyclo-oxygenase in platelets

- blocks thromboxane A2 formation




Mechanical compression


Wong et al Hip Pelvis 2024

- 540 THA treated only with graduated stockings and pneumatic compression

- routine ultrasound day 4 and 7

- incidence proximal DVT 1%


Warfarin v LMWH


Hull et al Arch Int Med 2000

- RCT of 1000 THA of warfarin v dalteparin

- warfarin: DVT 24%, proximal DVT 1%, symptomatic DVT 4.5%

- dalteparin: DVT 13%, proximal DVT 1%, symptomatic DVT 1.5%


Aspirin v LMWH


CRISTAL study group JAMA 2022

- RCT 100mg aspirin v 40 mg enoxeparin / LMWH in 9711 THA and TKA patients

- symptomatic VTE in aspirin group was 3.5%

- symptomatic VTE in enoxeparin group was 1.8%

- no difference in mortality


Oral Factor Xa inhibitors versus LMWH


Eriksson et al NEJM 2008

- 4500 THA RCT to either rivaroxaban or enoxeparin

- enoxeparin: DVT/PE 3.7%, major bleeding 0.1%

- rivaroxaban: DVT/PE 1.1%, major bleeding 0.3%


Kasina et al CORR 2019

- Swedish registry

- 5,700 THA with oral anticoagulants: symptomatic DVT 0.3%, symptomatic PE 0.1%

- 27,000 LMWH: symptomatic DVT 0.6%, symptomatic PE 0.4%

- reduced risk of DVT / PE with oral factor Xa inhibitor

- no difference in bleeding


Lassen et al NEJM 2010

- 5400 THA RCT either apixaban or enoxeparin 35 days

- enoxeparin: DVT/PE 3.9%

- rivaroxaban: DVT/PE 1.4%


Aspirin versus Oral Factor Xa inhibitors


Anderson et al NEJM 2018

- 3500 patients

- rivaroxaban 5 days + aspirin 9 days TKA or 30 days THA

- rivaroxaban 14 days TKA or 30 days THA

- no difference DVT or major bleeding




Hull et al Arch Int Med 2000

- RCT of 1500 THA of warfarin v LMWH / dalteparin

- dalteparin given preoperatively had slightly decreased rates of total DVT but increased bleeding




Kakkar et al Lancet 2008

- RCT of 2500 THA patients

- 30 days of rivaroxaban v 14 days enoxeparin

- rivaroxaban: DVT 2%, PE 0.1%, bleeding 7%

- enoxeparin: DVT 8%, PE 0.5%, bleeding 6%