Morton's Neuroma


Mulders SignMortonsMortonsMortons Neuroma 1




Benign enlargement of the common digital branch




Women between 40 and 60

Usually 3rd webspace




Repetitive chronic trauma of interdigital nerve against deep intermetatarsal ligament

- narrow shoes

- high heel shoes

- sustain micro damage to nerve

- perineural fibrosis, neural edema and demyelination




Pain with weight bearing


Clicking symptom


Numbness / tingling in the affected toes




Mulder sign

- palpate webspace with fingers superiorly and inferiorly

- with other hand compress metatarsal heads together

- either palpate the lump or feel a click


Mulders Sign






Bignotti et al Eur J Radiol 2015

- systematic review of US versus MRI for Mortons

- equal accuracy




Obliteration of fat pad

Dumbbell shaped lesion between metatarsal heads



Morton's neuroma 3rd webspace



Morton's neuroma 2nd webspace


Non operative management


Wide toe box / metatarsal dome


Cortisone injection


Edwards et al J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 2021

- systematic review of efficacy cortisone injection for Morton's neuroma

- evidence of short to medium term efficacy single cortisone shot


Radiofrequency ablation


Llombart et al Am J Phys Med Rehab 2024

- systematic review of 8 studies and 247 patients

- radiofrequency ablation Morton's

- 48% complete symptom relief

- 16% no relief


Operative management





Neurectomy / resection


Lu et al Acta Neurochir 2021

- systematic review of neurolysis v neurectomy

- complete pain relief: neurolysis 68% neurectomy 74%

- complete satisfaction: neurolysis 63% neurectomy 57%

- revision surgery: neurolysis 2% neurectomy 5%


Resection Morton's neuroma




Vumedi Morton neuroma resection


Dorsal incision over the webspace

- separate metatarsals with lamina spreader / retractor

- divide deep metatarsal ligament


Identify common digital nerve proximally

- identify neuroma / place forceps under

- resect proximal to neuroma

- resect distal to bifurcation


Mortons Neuroma IncisionMortons Neuroma 1Mortons Neuroma 2


Mortons NeuromaMortons Neuroma




Lee et al Foot Ankle Surg 2024

- systematic review of dorsal v plantar approach for excision

- increased scar tenderness in plantar group: 17% v 6%

- increased reduced sensation in dorsal group: 62% v 49%




Toe numbness

Painful stump neuroma

Hammer toe (inadvertant lumbrical resection)

Pain secondary to instability / division inter-metatarsal ligament






Prevent toe numbness

Avoid stump neuroma




Divide deep metatarsal ligament




Archuleta et al J Foot Ankle Surg 2020

- minimally invasive nerve release in 27 cases

- divide deep intermetatarsal ligament

- 59% excellent / good results

- 41% poor results

- 20% required open neurectomy


Koti et al J Orthop Surg Res 2022

- open release of deep intermetatarsal ligament in 39 cases

- 69% good or excellent results

- 30% fair or poor results

- 66% had numbness in toes