Tendonitis / Tendonopathy



Lateral compartment of leg

- run through retromalleolar groove

- pass superior and inferior to peroneal tubercle

- covered by inferior peroneal retinaculum


Peroneus longus

- origin lateral condyle of tibia and head fibula

- tendon PL superficial and inferior to brevis in retromalleolar groove

- runs in cuboid groove 

- insert plantar surface base of 1st MT and lateral aspect medial cuneiform

- everts the foot / plantar flexes the first ray / plantar flexes the ankle

- stabilises the medial arch in stance


Os peroneum

- sesamoid in PL

- level CCJ / articulates with cuboid

- 20% population


Os Peronei


Peroneus brevis

- origin middle third fibula and intermuscular septum

- inserts tuberosity base 5th

- abducts and everts the foot / plantar flexes the ankle


Nerve supply






- inflammation of tenosynovium



- degenerative change in tendon

-  can lead to tears






Prolonged or repetitive activity

- usually after period activity

- runners and ballets dancers


Cavovarus hind foot



- acute injury

- chronic tendonitis

- dislocation / subluxation




Chronic lateral ankle instability

Peroneal tendon subluxation

Cavovarus hindfoot


Peroneal Tendon Tears




P. brevis torn more frequently than longus




Sobel & Mizel 1993


Zone 1 

- behind lateral malleolus

- brevis more commonly injured 


Zone 2 

- distal to tip of fibula 

- longus only 

- cuboid tunnel acts as a fulcrum

- can get inflammation & swelling

- loss of excursion as brevis & longus skirt around pulley




Acute or chronic lateral ankle pain




Tenderness / swelling along tendons


Peroneal Tendon Swelling



- passive inversion and PF

- active eversion




Lateral instability

Fracture fibula / 5th MT / cuboid / Calcaneal

OCD talus

Loose body ankle

OA ankle

Sinus tarsi syndrome

Tarsal coalition




10 tendons about ankle

- axial views most usefull

- T1 displays anatomy

- T2 STIR shows tears 

- beware magic angle (fibres orientated 55 degrees to scan)



- tendon thickening / tendonopathy

- fluid about tendons / tendonitis

- tears


Peroneal TendonitisPeroneal Tendonitis MRIPeroneal Tendonitis MRI 2




Non Operative



Modification activities

Lateral heel wedge if hindfoot varus

Moon boot / SL walking cast




1.  Tenosynovitis


Open debridement and tenosynovectomy

- incision posterior to fibula and to base 5th MT

- sural nerve halfway between peroneals and T Achilles

- open peroneal tendon sheath

- debride synovitis


Peroneals Intra-operatively


Must also treat any

- inflamed os peroneum

- varus heel

- tears


2.  Tears


A.  <50% 

- excise &  repair tears by tubularisation

- incision 1 cm posterior to fibular

- from 5 cm above to base of 5th metatarsal

- immobilise with foot PF and everted to rest in POP

- after 2 weeks in moonboot for progressive mobilisation


B.  > 50%


One tendon torn

- tenodesis to other tendon


Both tendons torn

1.  2 stage reconstruction


2.  Tendon transfer FDL to PB / plantaris to PL