

tib posttib postXray t posterior




Progressive collapsing foot deformity


Acquired flat foot deformity / planovalgus foot secondary to tibialis posterior dysfunction




F > 40


Associations - hypertension / diabetes / obesity 


Anatomy Tibialis Posterior


Origin Insertion Nerve supply Action

Posterior tibia, fibula and inter-osseous membrane


Acute angle around medial malleolus

- flexor retinaculum holds tendon in groove 

- relative hypo-vascular zone 1-2cm distal to medial malleolus

Navicular tuberosity

Plantar cuneiforms

2,3,4 metatarsals

Sustentaculum tali

Tibial nerve (L4/5, S1)

Plantar flexor ankle joint

Inverts subtalar joint

Adducts foot

Maintains longitudinal arch


Single heel raise

- locks the midtarsal joints

- allows T Achilles to perform heel raise




Avascular zone 

- behind medial malleolus

- area of incomplete mesotenon which provides blood supply


Tendon changes

- paratendinitis - fluid in sheath + synovial proliferation

- tendinosis - tendon degeneration with enlargement and longitudinal splits

- elongation of tendon

- rupture


Tibialis Posterior Tendinosis




Acquired planovalgus

- medial arch collapse

- subtalar joint everts / valgus heel

- foot abducts at TNJ

- Achilles tendon acts as evertor when heel in valgus

- calcaneus impinges on fibular causing lateral ankle joint pain

- attenuation of TNJ capsule, spring ligament and deltoid ligament


Johnson Classification

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
T posterior tendonitis T posterior elongation / attenuation / rupture Fixed deformity subtalar joint

Varus angulation talus in ankle joint

Able to single heel raise

Unable to single heel raise

Correctable subtalar joint

Non correctable valgus  

IIA: As above

IIB: Forefoot abduction

+/- subtalar OA +/- ankle joint OA





Medial pain

Lateral pain due to fibular impingement

Difficulty with shoe wear






Stage 1 

- normal arch with tenderness tibialis posterior tendon


Stage 2

- planovalgus foot - flattened medial arch + valgus heel

- flexible subtalar joint - good ROM, moves into varus with heel raise

- weak tibialis posterior power - foot inverted and in equinus






Lateral weight bearing


lateral xrayXray t posterior

Early - reduced talo-metatarsal angle / Meary's angle

Late - subtalar joint OA


AP weight bearing foot


AP foot

Talonavicular uncovering > 40% - forefoot abduction / stage IIB


AP weight bearing of ankle


T postAnkle OA

Early - calcaneus under lateral malleolus

Late - valgus tilt of talus with ankle joint osteoarthritis




Tendonitis - fluid around tendon

Tendinopathy - tendon thickening



T postT postT post

Tibialis posterior tendonitis


T postT potT post

Tibialis posterior tendinopathy


Tib post tearTear tib post

Tear tibialis posterior with 10 cm gap